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One Piece Chapter 1108 Updates And Spoiler

The clash between saturn and luffy rages on as chapter 1108 begins. The One Piece manga hurtles toward the anticipated climax of its Egghead arc, with creator Eiichiro Oda tantalizingly hinting at an imminent journey to Elbaf, sparking widespread excitement among fans. Amidst the anticipation, the current narrative unfolds with absurdity and brilliance. The scene shifts to a poignant moment between Luffy and Jewelry Bonney. Tears stream down Bonney's face as she affectionately addresses Luffy as "Nika," revealing her relentless quest to locate him. 


Perplexed, Luffy grapples with the enigmatic term "Nika" before realizing the gravity of Dr. Vegapunk's illness. In a fit of rage, Luffy confronts Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, condemning the Gorosei member for harming his ally. Dismissing Bonney's previous attack as feeble, Luffy's defiance prompts Bonney to yearn for the true force of "Nika's" punch. Saturn retaliates, unleashing his ocular prowess upon Luffy, yet the resilient pirate emerges unscathed, showcasing his indomitable spirit. Reflecting on Blackbeard's recruitment of Level 6 convicts, Luffy questions their motives, acknowledging Blackbeard's unique status. Devon cryptically alludes to Luffy's familial lineage, evoking intrigue amid the chaos. As the conflict intensifies, Saturn probes their objective, met with cryptic responses about "the world" before the duo vanishes into the void, retreating to their vessel. Mirroring Bartolomeo's admiration, Caribou materializes, heralding his allegiance to Blackbeard and attributing his piratical journey to the enigmatic captain. Amidst the unfolding saga, anticipation mounts for the release of One Piece Chapter 1108, slated for February 26, 2024, igniting fervent speculation and excitement among devotees worldwide. Chapter 1107 offers a panoramic view of the Giant Warrior Pirates, while tensions escalate aboard the Thousand Sunny as it teeters on the Labo-Phase cliff. Jinbe's relentless pursuit converges with Zoro's battle against Rob Lucci, underscoring the intricacies and conflicts that propel the narrative forward.


Egghead Arc Heats Up: The One Piece manga is nearing the climax of the Egghead arc, with hints pointing towards the highly anticipated Elbaf arc next.

Present Absurdity: The current situation is both ridiculous and enthralling. Luffy and Bonney share a mysterious exchange, while Luffy clashes with the Gorosei member Saturn. Blackbeard's crew also makes a curious appearance, raising questions about their motives.

Chapter 1107 Highlights:

  • Luffy and Bonney have a cryptic conversation, hinting at Luffy's connection to Nika.
  • Luffy confronts Saturn, showcasing his resilience against the Gorosei's powers.
  • Blackbeard's crew, including Devon and the Level 6 convicts, appear with a mysterious goal.
  • Caribou joins Blackbeard's crew, citing the pirate as his inspiration.

Chapter 1108 Release:

  • Get ready for One Piece Chapter 1108 releasing on February 26, 2024 at:
    • 12:00 am JST (Japan Standard Time)
    • 8:00 am PST (Pacific Standard Time)
    • 5:00 pm CET (Central European Time)
    • 8:30 pm IST (Indian Standard Time)
    • 11:00 pm PST (Philippines Standard Time)
    • 11:00 pm SGT (Singapore Standard Time)

Additional Notes:

  • Chapter 1107 begins with a focus on the Giant Warrior Pirates and Usopp's observation of Dorry and Brogy.
  • The Thousand Sunny is in danger of falling, while Jinbe tries to reach Zoro's ongoing battle with Rob Lucci.
  • Lucci mocks Zoro and threatens to bring everyone down if they interfere.


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Catarina Devon

Catarina Devon, renowned as the "Crescent Moon Hunter," stands as one of the most formidable female pirates ever to grace the turbulent seas of the Age of Pirates. Initially incarcerated within the infamous confines of Impel Down, she found liberation and purpose under the banner of Marshall D. Teach, joining the formidable ranks of the Blackbeard Pirates as the captain of the sixth ship among the Ten Titanic Captains. Throughout her tenure, Devon's enigmatic persona and unwavering loyalty to Blackbeard paint her as a complex figure, straddling the line between ally and adversary. Embracing a sardonic wit, she nonchalantly acknowledges the Marines' recognition, quipping that she "likes them too," revealing a facet of her character steeped in sarcasm and defiance.

Devon's penchant for aesthetics extends beyond mere banter, as she displays an obsession with collecting the heads of beautiful women, envisioning them as prized trophies. Her admiration for figures like Boa Hancock underscores her morbid fascination and hints at a sadistic undercurrent that lurks beneath her calm exterior. Notably, Devon exhibits a romantic inclination towards women, surrounding herself with devoted female admirers and displaying a peculiar vulnerability to Boa Hancock's bewitching Devil Fruit abilities. Demonstrating a darker side, Devon revels in psychological manipulation, taunting Gecko Moria with the guise of his fallen subordinate, Absalom, to inflict emotional anguish upon the despondent Warlord. As a Level 6 prisoner within Impel Down, Devon's formidable prowess places her among the most formidable adversaries, a testament to her survival in a crucible of chaos and despair. Her consumption of the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune, affords her the ability to transform into a fearsome nine-tailed fox, granting her unparalleled prowess in battle. Mastering the art of combat, Devon wields a whip with deadly precision and adapts to various weaponry, including spears and swords, showcasing her adaptability and versatility on the battlefield. Beyond her martial prowess, Devon's namesake and appearance draw inspiration from Catalina De Erauso, a historical figure known for her audacious exploits and gender-defying adventures. As the sole named female prisoner of Impel Down within the manga's narrative, Devon occupies a unique position in the annals of piracy, embodying a legacy of strength, cunning, and enigmatic allure that leaves an indelible mark upon the seas.

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Van Augur

Van Augur, dubbed "The Supersonic," serves as the esteemed sniper within the ranks of the notorious Blackbeard Pirates, holding the esteemed title of one of the Ten Titanic Captains and commanding the Third Ship of their fleet. His strategic mind and unwavering loyalty make him a formidable force among his crewmates. During Koby's capture by the Blackbeard Pirates and subsequent confinement on Hachinosu, Augur stands alongside his fellow Titanic Captains as Blackbeard unveils a scheme to leverage Koby as a diplomatic pawn for Hachinosu's recognition by the World Government. Foreseeing the arrival of Law, Kid, or Luffy at Winner Island post their departure from Wano, Blackbeard orchestrates a cunning ambush alongside Augur, Jesus Burgess, Doc Q, and Stronger. Upon spotting the Heart Pirates' Polar Tang, Augur teleports Burgess to the island, initiating a swift and calculated assault. 

In the heat of battle, Augur attempts to eliminate Law, only to be thwarted by Jean Bart's protective intervention. Despite his calm demeanor, Augur showcases a darker aspect of his character during his encounter with Ace on Banaro Island, exhibiting a devilish grin following a narrowly missed kill shot. Augur's unwavering faith in fate and staunch allegiance to Blackbeard drive his actions, exemplified by his readiness to sacrifice seagulls to test his luck with his shots. Endowed with exceptional marksmanship skills, Augur wields his favored rifle, Senriku, with unparalleled precision, capable of striking targets over vast distances with lethal accuracy. Consuming the Wapu Wapu no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit, Augur gains the ability to teleport himself and others, further augmenting his combat prowess and strategic versatility. Augur's proficiency with Senriku transcends mere marksmanship, as evidenced by his ability to discern Akainu's presence aboard an approaching Marine battleship from afar and his adept manipulation of the rifle for both long-range sniping and close-quarters combat. As a cornerstone of the Blackbeard Pirates' arsenal, Augur's unwavering resolve and formidable skill set cement his status as one of the most formidable marksmen in the annals of piracy.

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Dorry, known as the Blue Ogre, hails from Elbaf and stands as one of the esteemed captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates alongside his stalwart companion, Brogy. Embraced as an ally of the Straw Hat Pirates throughout the Little Garden and Egghead Arcs, Dorry embodies the quintessential image of a giant, boasting a robust frame adorned with a lengthy beard. Clad in traditional Viking attire, he sports a helmet that shrouds his eyes, exuding an aura of formidable presence. Towering in stature, Dorry's colossal size allows Luffy to rest comfortably in the palm of his hand, a testament to his awe-inspiring dimensions. At 160 years old, Dorry epitomizes the prime of giant life, possessing a gentle nature tempered by occasional bouts of pride that veer him astray from sound judgment.

Devoted to the customs of his homeland, he upholds them with utmost honor, demonstrating unwavering adherence even amidst grievous injuries. Driven by his sense of pride, Dorry hastily accuses Luffy of tampering with his drink bomb, propelled by circumstantial evidence pointing to the Straw Hats' presence. However, their bond deepens as Dorry rescues Luffy from the jaws of a dinosaur, fostering a friendship akin to that of old companions. Mutual respect characterizes their relationship, forged through tales of daily battles with Brogy, which captivate Luffy's admiration. Yet, their camaraderie faces adversity when Dorry falls victim to an internal explosion triggered by tainted alcohol. Blinded by suspicion, Dorry confronts Luffy in a clash of wills until the truth unveils the innocence of the Straw Hats. Despite reconciliation, Dorry's resolve to confront Brogy remains unyielding, prompting Luffy's fervent objections. Amidst the chaos instigated by Mr. 3's interference, Luffy vows retribution for sullying the sanctity of their duel. Two years hence, amidst the tumult of Egghead, Dorry and Brogy rally to Luffy's aid against the encroaching Marines, cognizant of Luffy's alias as Nika. United in friendship with Shanks, they heed the call to arms against the Kid Pirates, exemplifying their unwavering loyalty to their comrades. Endowed with a bounty of 100,000,000 beli, Dorry's formidable prowess underscores the peril he poses to adversaries, epitomizing the superhuman strength and resilience intrinsic to giants. As captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates, Dorry and Brogy reign supreme, their indomitable might immortalized through a century-long duel and triumphant conquests against formidable adversaries that dwarf even their peers. Their legacy reverberates across Elbaf, where Shanks enlists their aid in a clash against Eustass Kid, signaling their unwavering commitment to uphold justice. Emboldened by Shanks' command, they unleash their might upon the Kid Pirates, ensuring that transgressions against the sanctity of others' lands bear severe consequences. In the tumult of the Egghead Incident, Dorry and Brogy descend upon the island, sowing confusion among the bewildered Marines. Proclaiming their intent to safeguard Luffy, they confront their adversaries with unwavering resolve, affirming their unwavering allegiance to their allies amidst the chaos of battle.

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Brogy, known as the Red Ogre, hails from Elbaf and serves as one of the captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates alongside his comrade Dorry. Found as an ally of the Straw Hat Pirates during the Little Garden and Egghead Arcs, Brogy presents himself as a towering figure clad in Viking attire. His ensemble features a striking red overall adorned with golden button straps and fur linings, complemented by a leather strap draping over his right shoulder and cinched at the waist. His lower attire consists of yellow pants accented with black stripes and fur-lined cuffs, paired with sturdy yellow shoes. Crowned by a formidable red helmet sporting twin horns, Brogy's appearance is further distinguished by his blond beard shaped akin to an axe's blade, beady eyes, a wide grin, and a distinctively pig-like nose.

In character, Brogy mirrors Dorry's good-natured demeanor, although his pride occasionally overshadows his better judgment. A staunch adherent of his homeland's fighting customs, he upholds them with unwavering honor, even in the face of severe injury. Despite his apparent victory over Dorry after a lengthy battle, Brogy's triumph is marred by a sense of unease, suspecting the interference of Mr. 3 during their conflict.

With a bounty of 100,000,000 Beli hanging over his head, Brogy's formidable prowess marks him as a formidable adversary. Endowed with superhuman strength and endurance typical of his giant heritage, Brogy's status as one of the Giant Warrior Pirates' captains signifies his exceptional power within his race, commanding one of the world's mightiest crews. His enduring combat prowess is showcased through a century-long duel with Dorry, during which they vanquished formidable adversaries beyond the capability of their fellow giants.

Brogy's reputation precedes him, as noted by Galdino of Baroque Works, who acknowledges his and Dorry's indomitable strength, necessitating cunning tactics for victory. Witnessed alongside Dorry on Elbaf, Brogy heeds Shanks' call for aid in facing Eustass Kid, subsequently delivering a decisive blow to the Kid Pirates and their vessel with resolute force.

During the Egghead Incident, Brogy and Dorry make their presence known on Egghead Island, leaving the marines bewildered by their arrival. Clarifying their purpose, they intervene to safeguard Luffy and engage the marines in a decisive confrontation.