At, our approach to crafting reviews aims to provide valuable insights into various products, services, destinations, games, movies, and more. Here's a guide on creating impactful reviews that aid users in their decision-making process: Prioritize evaluating from a user's perspective. Demonstrate expertise and knowledge in the subject matter you're reviewing. Support your insights with evidence—visuals, audio, or relevant links from your own experiences—to bolster the authenticity of your review. Include quantitative measurements across different performance categories. Highlight what sets the item apart from its competitors. Discuss comparable options and recommend based on specific uses or circumstances. Conduct original research to present both the benefits and drawbacks. Track the product's evolution from previous iterations, emphasizing improvements or solutions to issues. Focus on crucial decision-making factors based on personal experience or expertise. Explore the impact of design choices on users beyond the manufacturer's description. Provide links to useful resources, either your own or from reputable sources, to aid readers in their decision-making. Offer multiple purchase options by linking to various sellers. When recommending the best overall or for a particular purpose, substantiate it with first-hand supporting evidence. Ensure comprehensive content in ranked lists, even if detailed single reviews are available separately. In the realm of reviews, affiliate links are often used, rewarding creators when a reader follows the provided link to make a purchase. If incorporating these links, consider Google's position on affiliate programs. Reviews are an invaluable resource for decision-making. Focus on the quality and originality of your content, adhering to these best practices to deliver maximum value to your audience.

Ethics Policy

Our entertainment brands do not publish personal attacks against people and companies in the industries we cover, or against colleagues in our industry. We stress objectivity in reporting topics of a sensitive nature.

We abide by Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, meaning all video game reviews must state which platform game was played on and if a copy was provided for the purposes of that review. Similarly, if a PR company, publisher, or developer provides accommodations (travel, hotel, etc) during an event we explicitly state that information in our preview coverage.

Note: Disclaimers and disclosures are clear and conspicuous.
Game And Anime/Manga reviewers are always separated from previewers/interviewers (i.e. if a writer is invited to play a game early, they will not review that game upon release). We strive to keep editorial/criticism objective and separate from developer access/relationships and our monetization teams.
Giving Credit and Acquiring Written Permission

Unless assets or news (press release) come from official studio source or their PR affiliates, we always provide link credit to original sources. We believe it is our responsibility to contribute to the online publishing ecosystem and best journalism practices.
For images, non-official art, etc. we credit the artist and seek to contact them as well for permission to use their work.

Spoiler Considerations

For previews, reviews, and guides, we always honor embargoes and save spoilers for when we have permission to post - or after release. If these are major or sensitive spoilers, we keep them out of headlines and images until a sufficient amount of time has passed to ensure readers are not exposed to any info they are not actively seeking out.

We’re not here to ruin the experience for our readers, but to serve those looking for this content. If there are spoilers and publication will occur during the release window, we will always include a spoiler warning at the top of the article.

For corrections or update requests, please contact Us.

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