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One Piece Chapter 1108 Updates And Spoiler

The clash between saturn and luffy rages on as chapter 1108 begins. The One Piece manga hurtles toward the anticipated climax of its Egghead arc, with creator Eiichiro Oda tantalizingly hinting at an imminent journey to Elbaf, sparking widespread excitement among fans. Amidst the anticipation, the current narrative unfolds with absurdity and brilliance. The scene shifts to a poignant moment between Luffy and Jewelry Bonney. Tears stream down Bonney's face as she affectionately addresses Luffy as "Nika," revealing her relentless quest to locate him. 


Perplexed, Luffy grapples with the enigmatic term "Nika" before realizing the gravity of Dr. Vegapunk's illness. In a fit of rage, Luffy confronts Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, condemning the Gorosei member for harming his ally. Dismissing Bonney's previous attack as feeble, Luffy's defiance prompts Bonney to yearn for the true force of "Nika's" punch. Saturn retaliates, unleashing his ocular prowess upon Luffy, yet the resilient pirate emerges unscathed, showcasing his indomitable spirit. Reflecting on Blackbeard's recruitment of Level 6 convicts, Luffy questions their motives, acknowledging Blackbeard's unique status. Devon cryptically alludes to Luffy's familial lineage, evoking intrigue amid the chaos. As the conflict intensifies, Saturn probes their objective, met with cryptic responses about "the world" before the duo vanishes into the void, retreating to their vessel. Mirroring Bartolomeo's admiration, Caribou materializes, heralding his allegiance to Blackbeard and attributing his piratical journey to the enigmatic captain. Amidst the unfolding saga, anticipation mounts for the release of One Piece Chapter 1108, slated for February 26, 2024, igniting fervent speculation and excitement among devotees worldwide. Chapter 1107 offers a panoramic view of the Giant Warrior Pirates, while tensions escalate aboard the Thousand Sunny as it teeters on the Labo-Phase cliff. Jinbe's relentless pursuit converges with Zoro's battle against Rob Lucci, underscoring the intricacies and conflicts that propel the narrative forward.


Egghead Arc Heats Up: The One Piece manga is nearing the climax of the Egghead arc, with hints pointing towards the highly anticipated Elbaf arc next.

Present Absurdity: The current situation is both ridiculous and enthralling. Luffy and Bonney share a mysterious exchange, while Luffy clashes with the Gorosei member Saturn. Blackbeard's crew also makes a curious appearance, raising questions about their motives.

Chapter 1107 Highlights:

  • Luffy and Bonney have a cryptic conversation, hinting at Luffy's connection to Nika.
  • Luffy confronts Saturn, showcasing his resilience against the Gorosei's powers.
  • Blackbeard's crew, including Devon and the Level 6 convicts, appear with a mysterious goal.
  • Caribou joins Blackbeard's crew, citing the pirate as his inspiration.

Chapter 1108 Release:

  • Get ready for One Piece Chapter 1108 releasing on February 26, 2024 at:
    • 12:00 am JST (Japan Standard Time)
    • 8:00 am PST (Pacific Standard Time)
    • 5:00 pm CET (Central European Time)
    • 8:30 pm IST (Indian Standard Time)
    • 11:00 pm PST (Philippines Standard Time)
    • 11:00 pm SGT (Singapore Standard Time)

Additional Notes:

  • Chapter 1107 begins with a focus on the Giant Warrior Pirates and Usopp's observation of Dorry and Brogy.
  • The Thousand Sunny is in danger of falling, while Jinbe tries to reach Zoro's ongoing battle with Rob Lucci.
  • Lucci mocks Zoro and threatens to bring everyone down if they interfere.


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