Van Augur, dubbed "The Supersonic," serves as the esteemed sniper within the ranks of the notorious Blackbeard Pirates, holding the esteemed title of one of the Ten Titanic Captains and commanding the Third Ship of their fleet. His strategic mind and unwavering loyalty make him a formidable force among his crewmates. During Koby's capture by the Blackbeard Pirates and subsequent confinement on Hachinosu, Augur stands alongside his fellow Titanic Captains as Blackbeard unveils a scheme to leverage Koby as a diplomatic pawn for Hachinosu's recognition by the World Government. Foreseeing the arrival of Law, Kid, or Luffy at Winner Island post their departure from Wano, Blackbeard orchestrates a cunning ambush alongside Augur, Jesus Burgess, Doc Q, and Stronger. Upon spotting the Heart Pirates' Polar Tang, Augur teleports Burgess to the island, initiating a swift and calculated assault.
In the heat of battle, Augur attempts to eliminate Law, only to be thwarted by Jean Bart's protective intervention. Despite his calm demeanor, Augur showcases a darker aspect of his character during his encounter with Ace on Banaro Island, exhibiting a devilish grin following a narrowly missed kill shot. Augur's unwavering faith in fate and staunch allegiance to Blackbeard drive his actions, exemplified by his readiness to sacrifice seagulls to test his luck with his shots. Endowed with exceptional marksmanship skills, Augur wields his favored rifle, Senriku, with unparalleled precision, capable of striking targets over vast distances with lethal accuracy. Consuming the Wapu Wapu no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit, Augur gains the ability to teleport himself and others, further augmenting his combat prowess and strategic versatility. Augur's proficiency with Senriku transcends mere marksmanship, as evidenced by his ability to discern Akainu's presence aboard an approaching Marine battleship from afar and his adept manipulation of the rifle for both long-range sniping and close-quarters combat. As a cornerstone of the Blackbeard Pirates' arsenal, Augur's unwavering resolve and formidable skill set cement his status as one of the most formidable marksmen in the annals of piracy.
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