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Bepo is a polar bear mink and the navigator of the Heart Pirates. He is the younger brother of the late Nox Pirate Zepo. Bepo is a white bear (possibly a polar bear as noted by the Marines) mink. He wears an orange jumpsuit that bears the Heart Pirates' jolly roger. He also wears small brown boots and has sharp teeth and claws. He is as tall as a normal bear, considerably taller than common humans. In Wano Country, he had a topknot despite having short fur and no hair. He also wore a yukata with the Heart Pirates' jolly roger surrounded by fish.

Bepo tends to get depressed easily and apologizes whenever people point out that he is a talking bear. An example of his sensitivity is when Hancock called him a beast and scolded him for attempting to change the subject. His crewmates also scolded him when he wondered aloud whether Amazon Lily had female bears, much to their annoyance. Overall, members of the Heart Pirates accuse Bepo of having a weak will. Ironically, he was able to remain conscious after taking a blast of Haoshoku Haki from Rayleigh, a feat only the exceptionally strong-willed can accomplish. Those who do not know him call him meek. He has been shown to order Jean Bart around (albeit unsuccessfully), seemingly delighted to have seniority over him. At the same time, he does not want Jean Bart to order him around. In the anime, he is shown to dislike hot environments (possibly due to his thick fur and the jumpsuit he wears), as he complained when the Heart Pirates' submarine was near an underwater volcanic region. Much like other male characters when they see a robot, Bepo is able to express admiration towards the General Franky. Sometimes, he can do foolish things like eating a fish from a toxic river. As the navigator of the Heart Pirates, it can be assumed that Bepo has the knowledge required to navigate the seas. The level of his skills is as yet unknown, though it is expected that he is reasonably capable of navigating through the Grand Line. Interestingly enough, despite his occupation, he is not seen wearing a Log Pose, which is essential for Grand Line navigation. He also has some skill in cartography, as he was the one who drew the map of Dressrosa and Green Bit that Law shared with the Straw Hats. However, he appears to be a bit messy, as the map had his paw print on it, and Nami stated that his map-drawing and navigation skills are far from her own. Bepo is fairly strong-willed, being able to withstand a blast of Silvers Rayleigh's Haki. As a member of the Mink Tribe, Bepo, like all other minks, is a born warrior. Though he has not yet shown it yet, it can be presumed he is able to use Electro and transform into his Sulong form when gazing at the full moon like every other mink. He is also a skilled martial artist combining his fighting skills with his superior physical abilities as a mink, allowing him to take out several Marines with ease but he is not strong enough to break a Pacifista as when he attempted to kick one, he wounded his leg, similar to Sanji's attack on Bartholomew Kuma. After the timeskip, Bepo's fighting skills and physical prowess significantly improved. In the anime, he could hold his own against the Gifters of the Beast Pirates for twelve consecutive hours before Nekomamushi forced him to retreat. On their way to the next island, the Heart Pirates were ambushed by the Blackbeard Pirates, who were in search of Road Poneglyphs. The attack damaged their submarine and infected the crew with the Feminization Disease; Bepo became infected and turned into a woman. After Law's Haki canceled out the transformation on his own body, the resulting antibodies spread through the crew, curing the infected. The submarine then surfaced at a nearby island, and the crew ran ashore and prepared to fight back against the Blackbeard Pirates. Law saved his crew from a mountain thrown by Jesus Burgess and then confronted Blackbeard directly.

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