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One Piece Manga 1097 Review in English Spoilers

Hey everyone, One Piece Chapter 1097 has just been released, and it's the perfect chapter in terms of hype and storytelling. Chapter 1097 is shaping up to be one of the best in the One Piece series. Let's dive into the two major aspects of this chapter: the Rocks Pirates and Bartholomew Kuma. First, the Rocks Pirates. Many fans were eager to see if we would get the full God Valley flashback. While there was initial excitement, as time went on, we realized it might not happen in this chapter. Oda's decision to set this flashback aside for a future point in time is a smart move. It allows for a more in-depth look at the God Valley incident later on, without rushing through it. The introduction of various Rocks Pirates was a pleasant surprise.

One Piece Manga 1097 Review in English Spoilers

We expected to see Kaido, Big Mom, and Whitebeard, but the full lineup of the crew was unexpected. Shiki's appearance is particularly intriguing, considering his origins in the Strong World movie. The dynamic among the Rocks Pirates, characterized by disorder and self-interest, is a stark contrast to the Straw Hat Pirates, who are united under Luffy's leadership. The teasing of Roger's involvement and his one-year-ago incident adds complexity to the God Valley story. It appears Roger went through some form of defeat or hardship, which makes this more than just a simple battle with Rocks. This deeper storytelling is an exciting prospect. Now, let's shift to Bartholomew Kuma's side of the story. Kuma's dialogue with Saturn, expressing his belief that no one should be born more important than others, is one of the most beautifully articulated messages in One Piece. It's a universal theme that can resonate with readers outside the story's context. Kuma's backstory is shaping up to be one of the best in One Piece. This chapter showcases Kuma's pure-hearted altruism and his journey to becoming a selfless hero, despite the tragic path ahead. Kuma's "hands of Liberation" adds significant symbolism to his character. Kuma's role in One Piece might involve passing the torch to Luffy, the true NAA (Natural Ability Attacker). The happiness of this chapter may be fleeting as we anticipate the tragedy in Kuma's future. The voice of the people mentions the possibility of a final showdown between Luffy and Blackbeard at Laugh Tale over the One Piece treasure. It's a compelling idea that parallels the clash between Rox and Roger. While it's not certain where the final battle will take place, it would make sense for it to be over the greatest treasure, the One Piece. In conclusion, One Piece Chapter 1097 delivers on both hype and storytelling. The revelations about the Rocks Pirates and Kuma's character development make this chapter a standout in the series. The future of One Piece is filled with excitement, and we eagerly await the next chapter.

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