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Possible Kaido's fate by the end of Wano Arc

Kaido will end up dying at the end of wano. Oda implied that what was to come in wano would make the battle of marineford look cute. Marineford had two major deaths in battle so wano has to have at least that. Kaido, the main antagonist of the arc, that actually wants to die seems like the most logical death. As for how he gets beaten, I believe it will basically be similar to oars' defeat. Many people will take on kaido initially. Supernovas, samurai, and all the yonkou level characters in the alliance at some point. After all of them have done their best, kaido will still be standing but will have taken a beating. Then ultimately luffy will be the one to come through when everyone else is down and take kaido on in a 1v1, challenging kaido's legend.

Luffy will awaken his devil fruit. Possibly a new gear too, or at least a stronger and perfected form of gear fourth. He will also be pumped up on all sorts. Hawkins' tarot power boost. Moriah's shadows. Sanji's attack cuisine. Maybe even law's immortality surgery and whatever else characters have to buff someone. Everyone will give their powers to luffy and trust him to be their hero. Luffy will take all of this in and with that power it will be enough to defeat kaido. So even after luffy beats kaido he won't be the strongest creature because of all the power boosts he had on him still allowing for some progression as he gets his actual body to that level and not simply have it be through boosts.

Not sure about how kaido dies. I hope there is some difference from whitebeard's death in how things play out, but for now I've got things down as:

-yonkou level allies all take on kaido and deal decent damage
-luffy gets buffed through allies' various powers and defeats kaido in a 1v1
-kaido gets killed by blackbeard.

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