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X Drake’s Subordinates

As of the chapter titled, ‘Amigasa Village’ it had finally been revealed that X Drake had become a Headliner under Kaido after some hints that he was likely working under the Yonko with the second revealation that he defeated some samurai in that village. Though, this post would like to return to Chapter 793 when it was not only touched upon again that Doflamingo killed Drake’s dad, but Drake was most likely in Wano as well.

It is safe to assume at this point that Drake is a Headliner in Chapter 793 and he is also seen with three men, but what I am now wondering are these few things:

Were those three men Drake’s subordinates?

If they were Drake’s subordinates, where are his crewmates? Hawkins had at least 1 of his crew with him in addition to his subordinates, so I feel like it seems strange now. And while Hawkins’ subordinates seemed loyal, Drake seemed like the one who was being ordered around to a degree which also seems rude as to contrast Hawkins was obviously in charge of the men under him and they followed HIS orders. (I wish I could look at the Viz Translation of that Chapter tbh to see the official translation of that conversation.)

Is it possible we will see Drake with those same men again or maybe a crewmate from Drake’s personal crew will make an appearance? It’s interesting to think about at the very least.

 Drake, like other Supernovas such as Bonney, is aware that Luffy and Law defeated Doffy since he takes interest in the pictures of them below Doffy’s picture by folding the paper in half. Now being known as a Headliner, could it be possible that Drake understood that Kaido would be targeting the pair due to their actions which messed up the SMILEs deal with Doflamingo at that point in time?

As we have yet to see Drake’s own reasons and his full story, I just felt like putting up this post since it’s likely that we’ll see Drake eventually, but also to speculate just a bit more with these questions. I know they can’t all be answered right away, but this has been on my mind for a while now—the scene with Drake in Chapter 793 at least.

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